WM Brand WM374: Leatherface from Texas Chain Saw Massacre Minifig Review

First previewed here.

Well there's not much to say except what you see is what you get. I'm not really a fan of Texas Chainsaw Massacre; I love horror movies but gory horror movies aren't big on me. 
Moving on to the minifig, quality is good. Details are there too as you can see. The face seems out of minifig-scale, but maybe people prefer that? I'm really not sure how he looks like lol 

Minimal side print but it's there nonetheless.

Back print.

I feel like his torso can be used for MOCs so that's good!

Good minifig overall. Design, well it's up to preference.

It's funny cause I saw the preview pic for this only after AngeloMarcus Greenhills started selling him.. Lol. 

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